185 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKata kunci : model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, kemampuan komunikasi matematika, materi perbandinganSalah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika adalah siswa memiliki kemampuan mengkomunikasikan gagasan dengan simbol, tabel, diagram, atau media lain untuk memperjelas keadaan atau masalah. Kemampuan komunikasi matematika merupakan bagian dari kurikulum matematika yang sangat penting, karena komunikasi bisa membantu pembelajaran siswa tentang konsep matematika ketika mereka menghadapi situasi, menggambar, menggunakan objek, memberikan laporan dan penjelasan verbal sehingga pembelajaran lebih bermakna. Namun kenyataannya masih banyak siswa yang belum terampil menyelesaikan suatu masalah matematika yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan komunikasi. Upaya guru membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang diajarkan melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen dengan pre-eksperimen design jenis Pre-test and Post-test Group. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 18 Banda Aceh, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII-5 yang berjumlah 23 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes kemampuan komunikasi matematika. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji-t satu pihak dengan taraf signifikan ? = 0,05. Dari hasil pengolahan data didapat thitung = 13,74 dan ttabel, = 1,72 atau thitung ? ttabel, ini menunjukkan tolak H0 dan akibatnya adalah terima Ha. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD ( Student Teams Achivement Divisions) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa pada materi perbandingan di SMPN 18 Banda Aceh

    Project Based DMC (Digital Marketing Channel) Learning Development to Growing DMC Ability of Management Students FEB Unisma

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    Purpose: This study aims to produce a project-based DMC learning model and use it as a learning reference to improve the quality of learning and be able to grow students' DMC abilities. Methodology: The design of this study is a research and development model based on research. Design based research is a methodology to understand how, when, and why learning innovations are designed, implemented, and evaluated. There are four stages of activity, including identification of needs, preparing designs and prototypes, conducting validation tests and improving prototypes, perfecting the final product. Findings: The results showed (1) that there was no balance between theory and practice; (2) the validation test found that the objectives, content of the material, and learning presentations in terms of content and language were very good, while the appearance was classified as good; (3) the final product test shows the results of the student portfolio assessment are very good; (4) revision of the final product is carried out in the section on the instructions for using the DMC learning model. Implications: The development of this project-based DMC learning model is only developed in an effort to improve the quality of digital learning marketing. Practical implications: DMC practice is only internalized through -based DMC learning project. Originality/value: The resulting product can be used as a digital learning reference marketing to grow students' DMC skills, so that obtained learning outcomes in accordance with the objectives of MBKM. Paper type: Research pape

    Pengaruh Gaji dan Insentif Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai pada PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur

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    Abstract            This study aims is for describe about work motivation, salary, and incentive and to determine the effect of salary and incentive on work motivation of employees in PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur . This research was conducted at employees in PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur who the office at Suningrat Street number 45, Ketegan, Taman, Sidoarjo. With a sample number of  respondents is 66 employees. The data analysis technique decriptive analysis and inferential statistic.The results of the analysis show that : (1) (a) Work Motivation is described by responsibility for completing tasks. (b) Salary is described by being able to meet needs and create a sense of enthusiasm for work. (c) Incentive is described by seniority. (2) There is simultaneous influence of salary variable and incentive variable on work motivation in PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur.(3) There is positive influence of the salary variable on work motivation in PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur. (4) There is positive influence of the incentive variable on work motivation in PT PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pengatur Beban Jawa Timur Keywords: Salary, Incentive and Work Motivatio


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    Bank has strategic position to support financial system stability in Indonesia. Banking main activity is collecting third party funds and then redistribute in a credit form. Lending activity makes bank faced problems when it’s implementing, one of the problem is non performing loan. To anticipate non performing loan, bank must has reserve, so the problem doesn’t directly impacting the operational activity of bank. Form of required reserve by bank is loan loss provision, so bank has to know what factor affect the amount of loan loss provision. This study analyze the effect of return on assets, loan to deposit ratio, debt to equity ratio, reserve and loan loss provision of conventional bank Indonesia in 2009 until 2013 period. Samples that are used in this study consist of 23 conventional banks in Indonesia. Regression model in this study using least square dummy variable (LSDV) including dummy of period. Result of this study shows that return on assets has negative coefficient and not significant towards loan loss provision. Loan to deposit ratio has positive coefficient but not significant so it does not effect loan loss provision while debt to equity ratio has negative coefficient and not significant to loan loas provision. Reserve has negative effect and significant to loan loss provision but it is inappropriate so the hypothesis is being rejected. Size has positive and significant toward loan loss provisions

    Product Innovation for Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Strarbucks Coffee Marketing Perfome in Malang

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify the factors influencing product innovation that will form a sustainable competitive advantage that will affect marketing performance. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses four hypotheses that are tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 18 software. For 101 respondents. Findings: The results of this study indicate that: a) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on competitive advantage (Z). b) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y). c) Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Z) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y) d) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y) through Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Y) and SEM data processing for the full model has met the following fit criteria, chi-square = 36.7; probability = 0.000; GFI = 0.72; AGFI = 0.653; CFI = 0.36; TLI = 0.276; RMSEA = 0.109; CMIN/DF = 2.18. As a result, greater product innovation will affect marketing performance and further build a sustainable competitive advantage. Practical implications: Based on the research, it can be concluded that Android-based accounting learning media has fulfilled the requirements for validity, practicality and has a good potential effect on student learning activities and outcomes. So that Android-based accounting learning media can be used as an alternative teacher in teaching accounting material for adjusting journal entries. Paper type: Research pape

    The Implementation of the Sumbang Kurenah Method to the Development of Early Children's Character

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    Anak usia dini merupakan masa kematangan fungsi fisik dan psikis yang siap merespon rangsangan (rangsangan) yang diberikan oleh lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana implementasi metode kurenah donasi terhadap pengembangan karakter anak usia dini di Kecamatan Rao Kabupaten Pasaman. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kabupaten Rao, Kabupaten Pasaman. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah aliran Miles dan Huberman. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurenah donasi mengajarkan tentang menjaga bahasa lisan, kepada anak-anak seperti menjaga bahasa dari berteriak, berbicara dengan lembut, dan hanya tertawa, Selain itu di Sumbaang Kurenah kita diajari bagaimana memberi penghargaan kepada teman-teman kita ketika kita berada di keramaian, jadi kami mempertahankan sikap seperti tidak punya hidung ketika berbicara dengan teman, dalam hal ini kami mengajarkan karakter di mana kami menghormati satu sama lain. Dan bersikap lembut dalam menyampaikan kata-kata

    Product Innovation for Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Strarbucks Coffee Marketing Perfome in Malang

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify the factors influencing product innovation that will form a sustainable competitive advantage that will affect marketing performance. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses four hypotheses that are tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 18 software. For 101 respondents. Findings: The results of this study indicate that: a) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on competitive advantage (Z). b) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y). c) Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Z) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y) d) Product Innovation (X) has a significant effect on Marketing Performance (Y) through Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Y) and SEM data processing for the full model has met the following fit criteria, chi-square = 36.7; probability = 0.000; GFI = 0.72; AGFI = 0.653; CFI = 0.36; TLI = 0.276; RMSEA = 0.109; CMIN/DF = 2.18. As a result, greater product innovation will affect marketing performance and further build a sustainable competitive advantage. Practical implications: Based on the research, it can be concluded that Android-based accounting learning media has fulfilled the requirements for validity, practicality and has a good potential effect on student learning activities and outcomes. So that Android-based accounting learning media can be used as an alternative teacher in teaching accounting material for adjusting journal entries. Paper type: Research pape


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    UT printed learning materials is the main learning materials designed to be used independently by students as a substitute lecturer. This article was prepared with the aim to analyze the quality and readability printed learning materials for purposes such revision in order to achieve the goal of effective learning. The research underlying the writing of this article uses evaluative formative design research with qualitative approach. The object of research is the printed learning materials courses Administration of Agricultural Extension, Module 2 and Module 4. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and deployment evaluation form to the expert science, expert instructional design, and students. The results showed that most of the the quality of printed learning materials on Module 2 and Module 4 less valid and less advanced when compared with current scientific developments. Therefore, fundamental changes are required in order to produce enough more recent concept. The depth and breadth of the content of the module needs to be improved because the module is more directed to the technical aspects that may not be applicable in all regions in Indonesia. However, the competency that can be achieved by graduate students is sufficient. Limited use of reference associated with the latest policies led to the use of long term and terminology, which is not currently used. Instructional design analysis results indicate that need more improvement in terms of the relevance of the formulation of instructional objectives with the content material; systematic writing; uses illustrations; examples and non-examples; well as conformity exercises, summaries and formative tests. Based on the results of one-to-one and small group evaluation, the revision material accordance expert science input is generally can be understood by the students. Both modules can lead students to learn independently. However, examples and images can be added to increase the understanding of the students in learning the content of the module. In general, exercises, summaries and formative tests can be understood by the students.   Bahan ajar cetak UT merupakan bahan ajar utama yang didesain untuk dapat digunakan secara mandiri oleh mahasiswa sebagai pengganti dosen. Artikel ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas dan tingkat keterbacaan materi bahan ajar cetak untuk keperluan revisi agar bahan ajar tersebut dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian yang mendasari penulisan artikel ini menggunakan rancangan formatif evaluatif research dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Objek penelitian adalah bahan ajar cetak mata kuliah Administrasi Penyuluhan Pertanian (LUHT4343), Modul 2 dan 4. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan penyebaran form evaluasi kepada ahli bidang ilmu (3 orang), ahli desain instruksional (1 orang), dan mahasiswa (13 orang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas materi bahan ajar cetak pada Modul 2 dan 4 sebagian besar kurang valid dan kurang mutakhir jika dibandingkan dengan perkembangan keilmuan saat ini. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perubahan yang cukup mendasar agar dapat menghasilkan konsep yang lebih terkini. Kedalaman dan keluasan isi modul perlu ditingkatkan karena modul tersebut lebih mengarah pada aspek teknis yang belum tentu dapat diterapkan di semua daerah di Indonesia. Namun, untuk kompetensi yang akan dicapai oleh mahasiswa tingkat sarjana sudah cukup memadai. Penggunaan referensi yang terbatas terkait dengan kebijakan terbaru menyebabkan adanya penggunaan istilah dan terminologi lama, yang saat ini tidak digunakan. Hasil analisis desain instruksional menunjukkan bahwa perlu perbaikan dalam hal relevansi rumusan tujuan instruksional dengan isi materi; sistematika penulisan; penggunaan ilustrasi; contoh dan noncontoh; serta kesesuaian latihan, rangkuman dan tes formatif. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi satu-satu dan kelompok kecil diperoleh bahwa materi yang telah direvisi sesuai masukan ahli materi, secara umum dapat dimengerti oleh mahasiswa. Kedua modul dapat menuntun mahasiswa untuk belajar mandiri. Namun, contoh dan gambar perlu ditambahkan untuk bisa menambah pemahaman mahasiswa dalam mempelajari isi modul. Secara umum, latihan, rangkuman dan tes formatif dapat dimengerti oleh mahasiswa


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses persiapan dan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik serta upaya pembinaan setelah pelaksanaan supervisi akademik sebagai umpan balik untuk mengkaitkan kompetensi guru di SD Muhammadiyah 15 Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik kondensasi data, pengumpulan data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Selanjutnya pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan kredibilitas, dependabilitas, transferabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Dari pelaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh kepala sekolah a. proses persiapan supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah telah memperhatikan beberapa aspek, b. proses pelaksanaan supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dilakukan secara langsung dan tidak langsung, saat pelaksanaan supervisi kepala sekolah mengamati dari luar maupun dari dalam kelas, hal yang diamati kepala sekolah yaitu tentang RPP dan silabus yang sudah ditulis oleh guru kemudian dicocokkan dengan proses pembalajaran, kepala sekolah memberitahu hasil supervisi langsung jika beliau tidak ada urusan dadakan yang lain. 2) Upaya pembinaan oleh kepala sekolah perlu melakukan supervisi agar dapat memantau kinerja pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran, kemudian tujuan dilakukannya supervisi yaitu untuk meningkatkan mutu kinerja dan keprofesionalan pendidik, pendampingan yang diberikan berupa sharing antar kepala sekolah dengan guru, kemudian mengadakan kelompok kerja guru (KKG), rapat, dan pelatihan, kepala sekolah menggunakan teknik pendampingan seperti kunjungan kelas, rapat, pendekatan yang dilakukan secara personal antar kepala sekolah dengan guru, diberikan pelatihan-pelatihan, kompetensi professional guru di sekolah dapat diketahui dari kemampuan guru dalam penguasaan materi yang diajarkan dan pemahaman terhadap profesi. Kata Kunci: Supervisi akademik, Kepala Sekolah, Kompetensi Profesional Guru Abstract This study aims to determine the preparation process and the implementation of academic supervision and coaching efforts after the implementation of academic supervision as feedback to link teacher competency in 15 Muhammadiyah Elementary School Surabaya. This study used a qualitative approach with case study design. Data collection techniques in this study use interview, observation and documentation techniques. The data obtained is then analyzed with data condensation techniques, data collection, data presentation, and conclusion drawing / verification. Furthermore, checking the validity of the data is done with credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmation. The results of this study indicate: 1) From the implementation of academic supervision by the principal a. the academic supervision preparation process carried out by the principal has taken into account several aspects, b. the process of conducting academic supervision conducted by principals is carried out directly and indirectly, when supervising principals observing from outside and in the classroom, what the principal observes is that the RPP and syllabus that have been written by the teacher are then matched with the learning process. the headmaster informs the results of direct supervision if he has no other sudden business. 2) Coaching efforts by the principal need to supervise in order to monitor the performance of educators in the learning process, then the purpose of supervision is to improve the quality of performance and professionalism of educators, assistance provided in the form of sharing between principals and teachers, then holding teacher working groups (KKG ), meetings and training, principals use mentoring techniques such as class visits, meetings, approaches that are carried out personally between principals and teachers, given trainings, teacher professional competence in schools can be known from the teachers ability to master the material taught and understanding of the profession. Keywords: Academic Supervision, Principal, Teacher Professional Competenc

    Penerapan Metode Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) dalam Optimasi Durasi dan Biaya pada Proyek Preservasi Jalan dan Jembatan Gempol–Pasuruan–Probolinggo

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    Proyek preservasi jalan dan jembatan Gempol–Pasuruan–Probolinggo merupakan salah satu proyek preservasi yang mengalami perlambatan pekerjaan dikarenakan adanya kegiatan mudik lebaran. Arus mudik lebaran menyebabkan bebe-rapa pekerjaan tidak dapat dilaksanakan sehingga menyebabkan pekerjaan preservasi jalan dan jembatan mengalami keterlam-batan. Selain itu, permasalahan dalam perizinan juga menyebab-kan proyek ini mengalami keterlambatan. Padahal, proyek ini terbatasi pada segi waktu penyelesaiannya karena jalan dan jembatan pada ruas tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kelancaran sektor perhubungan, baik pada mobilitas manusia maupun distri-busi barang. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan percepatan penger-jaan proyek agar proyek dapat selesai tepat waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalisasi durasi dan biaya Proyek Preservasi Jalan dan Jembatan Gempol–Pasuruan–Probolinggo. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mempercepat pengerjaan proyek serta memeroleh penambahan biaya yang paling optimal adalah dengan optimalisasi jadwal baik dengan menggunakan metode Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) maupun fast tracking. Metode TCTO dilakukan dengan melakukan crashing durasi proyek. Pada metode crashing, dilakukan analisis Crash Duration, Crash Cost, dan Cost Slope pada aktivitas sisa pekerjaan yang berada pada lintasan kritis, kemudian dilakukan percepatan hingga jenuh seluruhnya. Setelah itu, dilakukan rekapitulasi hasil percepatan metode crashing (optimum dan maksimum) dan fast tracking. Penelitian ini menghasilkan durasi percepatan paling optimal dengan durasi akhir 99 hari dan biaya Rp30.525.265.504,56. Crashing optimum belum dapat mengejar target percepatan akibat keterlambatan proyek, namun dengan percepatan maksimum dapat mengerjar target percepatan
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